Private Instruction

You and I will work together. We will begin by assessing your needs and defining your goals. Then we will develop a Yoga practice designed just for you, tailored to your unique needs and designed to allow you to reach your individual goals. 

In order to receive greater benefit from Yoga, a frequent and consistent practice in essential. Together we will develop a personalized home practice plan. We will also work with the time you have available for Yoga, setting realistic goals that will keep you practicing. The plan can be adjusted as your body changes and your Yoga practice grows.

As an added bonus, after 5 private sessions you will receive a free personalized 20-minute yoga sequence on DVD, designed just for you to help bring consistency to your practice!

I will teach you in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

Base session rate $100
Fees vary depending upon location.
Class package prices and discounts are available.